I’m in Love with Privacy

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It took me a long time to learn that I love privacy. Not secrecy or being mysterious. Privacy. I had to go through depressing years of low self-esteem, zero self-importance, and a lot of self-hatred to get to where I am now when it comes to this.

Being the Quiet One

I’ve shared a little about how it is for me to be a quiet person. Growing up, it wasn’t always easy. I always thought that I wasn’t interesting enough and that people hated me. But now, not only that I’ve accepted that I’m a quiet person, but also, I like who I am. 

Being the quiet one comes with people—friends, family, people who know me but are very irrelevant—not knowing so much about me. And I find that very relieving and sometimes funny. People judge you and assume things about you. That’s the funny part because it’s so stupid when people do that.

The relieving part is that I feel free. I take control of myself—of what I do and what I think. I don’t care what they think. I just live the life I want. I don’t hurt anyone. I mind my own business. I focus on people who are relevant, significant, and caring about me. And the other way around. 

Being Invisibly Active on Social Media

I don’t need to tell the world what I’m doing with my life. I don’t post daily stories on Instagram about where I am, where I eat, and what I eat. I mean, in 2023, I posted once. ONCE! And that was just a birthday post with a bunch of random photos during age 24. If I do want to post something, it would be photos I like of myself or with my best friends or family. Maybe I go on vacation and capture some moments and post some of them. But I would not include my location or the food I eat.

Basically, I use my Instagram to support the people, content creators, artists, and performers that I like. And of course, my friends and close family. My account is private. I have my face as my profile photo and links to my Tumblr and this blog. I have around 400 followers, maybe it’s less now (who cares). I follow accounts that I like and that I mentally benefit from. I don’t have a TikTok or Twitter. I don’t use my Facebook anymore. I use Messenger to connect with the important people in my life.


I have nothing against people who post frequently. Especially those who create content for a living. I totally support that, even I do it. On the other hand, those who don’t have to post for a living, and who are not public figures, bloggers, or internet personalities. It’s completely fine! Just do you. I just do me as well. And I say, what you do is not my thing. I don’t give a shit. If I like what you post, I hit like. Maybe even post a nice comment. If your post doesn’t catch my interest, then I just scroll past it. I’m sure most people nowadays do this too. And there is nothing wrong with that! No hate.

The Thing is: 

I don’t care whether or not people know shit about me. Whether they got some news from me or they heard it from somebody else, fine by me. I tell things about me to people who actually love and care about me. If I’m forced to socialize with irrelevant people and they ask about my life, I simply give a vague answer and tell them that I’m all good. If they ask follow-up questions, I would respond nicely. It can be annoying sometimes (the introvert in me is annoyed), but it’s okay. It’s also nice to be asked how I’m doing and I’d be grateful. 

Then again, I only go to social gatherings when I want to. I only share what I want to share with people and I only share tiny bits of my life.

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